Weekly insights · 25.03.2022
Hey [%first_name | %],
It's been a while since you've heard from us (oops 🙈) we promise we have our reasons - like working on a huge product update. But that's a story for another day. In the meantime, I'm very happy to share with you our very first online insights newsletter. This week it's all about TikTok, and more specifically new features which you can benefit from when using the app (which is why you get to see my lovely face at the bottom of this intro). Our insight topics will change every week, with different members of the team reaching out to you with specialist insights - so please do keep an eye on your inbox!
TikTok, TikTok, TikTok... Where do I begin? This social media platform has very quickly become the most downloaded app in the world with 656 million recorded downloads in 2021. Check for yourself if you don't believe me. It's undeniable that your business will benefit from utilising the world’s fastest growing social network, with 17 million users in the UK. 50% of this figure are younger than 30 (and nearly 25% under 25), making TikTok the essential place to reach and engage Gen Z audiences. You can use TikTok for your business in many ways. At inploi, we've chosen to use our profile to show what life at inploi is like, as well as giving career advice to our young and keen follower base. You could use it to showcase your products, grow your business outreach - there is no limit really.
An interesting use however, which not many have tapped into, is using TikTok for recruitment. It's the perfect platform to attract a younger, fun, and tech savvy candidate base. You have the opportunity to boost your existing campaigns, run job ads through video rather than relying on boring, traditional mediums, and give candidates actual insight into your company culture. We offer full-stack TikTok campaign management as one of the features of our Attract module, built to help large enterprises reach, engage and attract their ideal candidates. If you're interested, don't hesitate to get in touch and find out more.
Without further ado, here are those feature insights I had promised you.
Dila Tumer · Head of Community
10 Minute Videos
Users can now upload ten minute videos. However, as this feature is quite new, we do not yet know if this will be popular or beneficial. inploi predicts that these update will be useful for profiles who post educational videos, recipe videos and tutorials.
Add Links
Some accounts can now use video grouping and attach videos to their other videos, similar to creating a thread on twitter. This is useful for anything done in parts or as a series as it helps users follow along the content journey.
Playlists aren't exactly new on TikTok but are definitely worth a mention. They can help you increase views and engagements. A playlist mimics the For You Page (FYP) scrollable-loop format, so once a user taps into one they will be 'stuck' in your playlist content until they tap back out.
Users can now upload stories on their TikTok profiles throughout the day. These stories can be watched via said user's profile however they also go on your followers FYPs. This is a great way to maintain engagement on days you don't have time to create content (you should be posting daily, but we are all human afterall), and even give your followers an inside view to your company.
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